For the purpose of this hackathon, you can utilise this submission template to make your idea submissions for Round 2.
Evaluation Parameters for Idea Submission
Your solution will be evaluated based on the following parameters:
1. Idea
- Addressing a customer need or pain point: Relevancy and efficiency of the solutions in your idea to the problems addressed in the problem statement.
- Creativeness, Novelty and Innovativeness of the Idea: How novel & innovative is the idea? Originality, creativity & intent of the concept.
2. Degrees of Disruption
- Return on Investment: Practical use potential of the idea.
- Financial value and impact of the solution: Scalability, the viability in global context, relevance to global masses.
- Value proposition or disruption potential.
3. Bleeding Edge
- Usage of new/uncommon technology, such as ML, AWS, Blockchain and emerging languages.
4. Complexity
- Scalability and the overall difficulty.
- The complexity of the idea.
- Self-explanatory.
- Elaborate design.
5. Coding Skills
- The quality and level of code: Coding standard, beautified and well-maintained code.
- Usage of algorithms, APIs, logic, frameworks and external libraries.